Claiming your passion project

Becoming a writer and owning it wholeheartedly.

Adura Segun-Akintayo
2 min readFeb 28, 2021
Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

Ihave always found it to be quite a nervewracking process to admit that I like something. Not because I fear having an opinion, but because claiming you have an affinity or interest in an activity, creates a complex relationship of commitment and dependence with it.

It is super rare to find something that makes your heart beat a little harder. It feels like you’ve unlocked a new secret door in maze that is discovering yourself. For me, it feels like I have taken a hold of something pure and undefiled. Something that doesn’t feel tainted by money, or opinions. Just peace.

Writing feels like my gently secret. Here, I get to create what I want, when I want. In a world of constant stimuli, I have found my management system. The best way to analyze my personhood, and experiences and the strange people I interact with on the way — whenever I want to.

If you have moments like these, moments of sharpness and clarity in an activity you do — claim them. You are what you do in that very moment. Singing makes you entranced? Then, you’re a singer. Dancing does it for you? Then you’re a dancer. Critically analyzing movies and subplots? Then you are a critic.

I cannot wait for my life to be filled with more of these moments and activities. I cannot wait to find a voice in the way I write, dress, dance or draw. These are my moments and as I continue living this life, I pray that I get to hold, with my very own hands, things outside of myself that feel at one with my essence.

Very dramatic, I know. This actually feels like the last few lines in a very emotional arthouse movie.

So yes, my name is Adura. And I am now a writer.

End scene.



Adura Segun-Akintayo

I tried to think of something witty, but I just came here to read and write.